We provide technical support for Cleargistix and all our other software products Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm CST.
Please send an e-mail to support@cleargistix.com or call us at 985-206-9544 to speak with a support engineer. Should you have an after hours emergency, preventing you from using our system, we monitor our support email and voicemail systems and will respond within 6 hours.
Our Hosting Service customers receive unlimited technical support included in the monthly service charge. Technical support is provided for issues (including problems you create) that are demonstrable in the currently supported release(s) of a Cleargistix licensed program, running unaltered, on hardware, and database operating system configuration, as specified in our user agreement.
Keep in mind that many issues that seem to stem from one software package may be caused by another application, by the operating system, or by the system drivers. Though we will do our best to assist you in resolving every problem that affects the functioning of our software, we cannot guarantee that we will resolve issues that are not caused by our software. You may be billed for issues caused by third party software, operating systems, or hardware drivers. Similarly, excessive ‘how do I’ type inquiries and issues that stem from lack of training may either be referred to our training department or otherwise billed at our contracted service rate.
Please establish a policy within your organization for coordinating the support calls. We suggest routing all support issues through one person, either a designated user or a MIS person. This way, you will not have to pay for multiple support calls that address the same issues, and you will build a knowledge base of solutions for future use. Let us know about your policy and give us the names of authorized users to avoid unnecessary billing.
Any issues or inquiries that could potentially lead to billing will be identified as such during the support engagement giving you awareness and the opportunity not to incur charges. Cleargistix utilizes GoToMeeting, a remote PC control tool, to aid in support issue resolution. Should using the tool be necessary, our support engineer will provide the needed connection information to you.