We all face too many distractions, too much work, too many things fighting for our attention. The harder a product is to use, the less valuable it is perceived to be. Products must be intuitive, both in understanding and usage. Nothing kills value in software like complexity. Most clients won’t make a career out of
If I had a dollar for every time I heard a sales professional say “nobody is buying”, let’s face it, I would be writing this blog from an island. The truth is… nobody buys anything unless there is value. Second, nobody buys unless there is a relationship. The reason a sales professional would say nobody
Human beings are creatures of habit. Human beings HATE to change. H-A-T-E to change. In a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in April 2013 as reported on by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, patients that had suffered a heart attack, stroke or other major cardiac event were counseled on three